23 September 2010

"Singapore Sling"

I am at the end of my week in Hannover, and I am a little sad to say goodbye (for now). I could honestly see myself living here one day… the open air markets that set up shop somewhere everyday, the GREAT public transportation, the exciting Innenstadt with all of its shops and cafés…. just AMAZING.
As for what I’ve been up to…


On Monday, Fabi and I explored some of the shops in the Innenstadt. It’s really kind of an eclectic mix, anything from H&M to “The Erotic Shop” to Karstadt - their equivalent of Macy’s/JC Penny/etc. (I know what you’re thinking, and no, we did not visit the Erotic Shop.)

I did, however, make a horrifying discovery while we were out.  Germans actually wear, and enjoy, the infamous “Bauchtasche” (lit. Belly Bag) a.ka. Fanny Pack!!!!! It is kind of like a horrible 1990’s nightmare to see people wearing them in public, and not as a joke or as part of some ridiculous Halloween costume. (The best part, when I pointed it out to Fabi, I was so excited! I thought I had discovered a rarity, someone who still thinks that fanny packs are cool – with the exception of bike riders, hikers, and many elderly tourists – but no, within the next half hour I saw five more just like it. At that point, I needed to go lay down, as it was all too much to handle.)


Zooday Tuesday! This was the day Fabi and I walked through the forest, that is located in the middle of the city of Hannover, to the zoo. On our way we saw this sculpture in the woods. (Note: No sign or anything to say what this is.) 

That’s right, you’re not seeing things, that’s a topless woman, riding sidesaddle on a half-ram/half-horse, motioning for something/someone to follow her. Oh, and there’s a dog biting the animal she’s riding. Don’t know who she is, what she did, or who she’s motioning to, but she must be in a load of trouble if she didn’t even have time to put her top on before she left!

Anyway, one may ask, “Why the hell did you go to the zoo while you were in Germany, since we have them in the U.S. – and nice ones at that?” The answer is simple. The Hannover Zoo is simply the most amazing zoo I have ever seen, quite possibly better than our National Zoo in Washington, D.C. They have anything from a boat ride through the African animal exhibits to opportunities to come so close to a lioness that you could pet her if there weren’t glass in the way (or she could maul you – perspective depends on if you’re a half full or half empty kind of person).

It was especially funny to see “Yukon Bay”, the exhibit of animals from Canada/the United States. What animals were there? Polar bears, Timberwolves, Caribou, Prairie Dogs, Trout, Penguins, and Seals. Did I fail to mention that they were blasting country music? It was, however, completely amazing. Hard to explain, but the American exhibit smelled like America to me (not like car exhaust and urine but like grilled meat and other good foods).

Last thing about the zoo is that they have an especially rare animal, Tatzi Tatz. This giant, rainbow-paw-headed thing (pictured below) is the official mascot of the Hannover Zoo. I missed my chance to get a photo with it when it showed up the first time, as I was in line, and couldn’t leave. Worried that I wouldn’t get a photo, I was much relieved to see this loveable, creepy, Spandex-clad thing waiting for me at the exit. And I got my picture! (I just had to push my way through a sea of five-year-olds to do it.)

(Note: One of the aforementioned five-year-olds is in the background!)


Wednesday was a good day. The night before, Fabi and I hung out with some of her friends from University, and Wednesday morning we met another for coffee and conversation while they finalized some things for their classes. Once we said Tschüß to Fabi's friend, we made our way to the Herrenhäuser Gärten, royal gardens that have been very well maintained. They were so gorgeous (photos to come on Facebook or Photobucket, or something), and I was surprised (as was Fabi) that we were not the youngest people there!

Wednesday night was so much fun. Fabi, some of her friends, and I went for hookah and cocktails. I was thrilled that I got to try German hookah. Verdict is that it's different than in America, but great nonetheless. It was especially fun, as we sat in an outside room of sorts – best I can explain it – and thusly were sort of separate from the boisterous bar crowd. It seems though that I can make an odd connection with people everywhere, as I found myself speaking with a group of men from Iraq, in German, about America and hookah there. Good Hookah. GREAT Cocktails. So much fun! Period.

Things I Have Learned List (continued from previous post):

4. Most younger Germans go nowhere without a scarf. I don’t know why, but it seems like the favored accessory of the time here. (Note: Even when it is warm, lots of people wear scarves.)
5. When the weather is nice, many of the older men wear those cargo vests, made out of canvas, with many pockets on the front, which make them look like they are all headed fishing or on a safari (or maybe to the zoo).
6. Many urinals have strainers in them. I suppose it is to keep everything from spraying back, but it makes one ponder their function the first couple times, until you realize that it's normal…
7. Germans have a LOT of Denglish words in their language (English words said with a German accent – Feel free to try these ones at home folks!). Some of my favorites: Haare Extensions, Singapore Sling, and Starbucks Hazelnut Kaffee.

I have SO much more to say, but I am exhausted, so I have to be on my way to bed! Hope you enjoy! Next time you hear from me, I'll be in Osnabrück!

Schönes Wochenende!
“Have a nice weekend!”

20 September 2010

Hello Again!

So I've just gotten up to begin my fourth day in Hannover, and I have to say that Osnabrück better be this interesting and exciting!

Yesterday, Fabi and I rode the bus to das neue Rathaus "the New Town Hall". (The buses here are pretty much the same as in America, except they give you change, you have more space, and you don't have to worry about sitting/stepping in gum or bodily fluids. The other big difference is that they - the drivers - drive like maniacs so people must brace themselves for the very real chance of ending up on the floor.)

At the Rathaus (pictured above), I met a Polish student who will be studying through the Erasmus Scholars programs at Uni-Osnabrück. I failed to catch his name, as I was so excited to meet another Austauschschuler "Exchange Student", that I forgot to ask. It was beautiful though. You can ride to the very top into the dome of the Rathaus in an elevator that slants to go along the contour of the dome. From there, there are four levels that you can choose to climb to (or not) via steps. The view from the dome is amazing (as seen below, except with the capacity for a 360 degree view).

After the Rathaus, we went on the to the Maschsee, home of the most disgustingly huge carp I have ever seen. I'm getting Gänsehaut (lit. "Goose Skin" - "Goose Bumps") just thinking about them. No lie, if they wanted to, they probably could have fit my entire leg in their mouths, at least up to my knee!

The best part of Saturday was church and a concert. Church was followed by a PHENOMENAL concert by die Klosterbrüder "The Cloister Brothers" an all male comedy choir. Selections included hilarious and suggestive songs from many eras, and - much to my surprise - a couple English selections (Barbara Ann, In the Jungle, and Dust in the Wind). They were incredibly entertaining, and afterwards I added to the list of odd things I've tried and liked at the table of snacks and desserts that they had.

List of Odd Foods I Have Eaten Thusfar in Deutschland:
1. Leberkäs - lit. "Liver Cheese", which contains no liver and no cheese
2. Bregenwurst - "Brain Sausage", soft & spreadable, may or may not have brain in it - not sure
3. Matjes - pickled salt herring, which I ate on bread with onions and sweet gherkin pickles
much more to come, I'm only on day three......

Yesterday was very different from Saturday.

Per my request, we visited the site of the old Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, the most infamous camp on German soil, most of which was destroyed by burnings initiated by the Allied forces who felt it necessary as typhoid fever, and the lice that carried it, were rampant. Unlike other camps, as I am told and as I can imagine, this one is much more peaceful today. The real shock is when you realize that the gently rolling hills are actually mass graves for 1,000... 5,000... 6,000... victims whose bodies were littered across the ground at the time of the camp's liberation on April 15, 1945.

It is hard to imagine, even in person, the atrocities that took place there, but the museum and tours led by its staff do a nice job of helping with that. It was very moving, and all of us agreed afterwards that it felt like we had worked all day, because it was so emotionally intense and draining.

I have to run now, and get ready for the new day. We're going exploring, buying my train ticket to Osnabrück, and just generally seeing more of Hannover! Here's to another great day!


17 September 2010

Viele Grüßen aus Hannover!

I am finally in Germany - at my friend Fabi's house - and getting acquainted with the culture here. My friend's family has already been so helpful, and that is a good thing since Germany is SO different from what I expected (not a bad thing)! Before I get to that though, I would like to share some of my pre-arrival traveling experiences.

Lessons Learned:

1. Never, and I repeat NEVER choose the window seat on the mere chance that your window is offset and you are pinned between a person who has serious personal space issues and a hard, sloped plastic wall. Take it from me, not-so-pleasant. Additionally, whenever you have to make "pipi" or "ahah" (as the Germans say), it makes it very awkward to get to the facilities. Initially you are sitting there, holding it, telling yourself that according to the nifty, electronic map in front of you, you only have to hold it for 1.5 more hours. This deadline starts to seem immensely unrealistic once your mind starts to dwell on the thought of your need to  use the bathroom. Further, you worry that at your next airport (a massive one where you have a fast and critical connection), you won't have time to use the toilet, which just makes the matter worse as your nerves add to your immense need to go.

2. Charles de Gaulle is a HORRIBLE airport, and you should be ready to be harassed and/or mistreated at any moment. With a name that is remarkably close to the German phrase "Scheiß egal" - a shortened version of the German for "I don't give a shit"- one might wonder if the likeness was intentional. No one really wants to help, no matter how many times you offer a polite, "Bonjour! Comment ça va? Parlez-vous anglais?" When at the gate, and the woman says to you, "You 'ave dime for your connecsion," tell her you don't, and get the hell in the other line. I was frisked, wanded, pretty much groped, and told to unpack my bag, etc. Worst part... all these commands were in French, as the attendant refused to speak English. I said, "Je ne parle pas française," which didn't really help at all, leaving this man to scream until some other attendant felt bad enough to translate the latest barked order for me. Many other bizarre things happened in this ridiculous mess of an airport, leaving it to be just under Philadelphia International. as my second-least favorite airport.

3. Germans are some of the nicest people to sit next to on airplanes. The flights I took from Pittsburgh to Paris and Paris to Hannover provided me with my fourth and fifth opportunities (respectively) to sit on flights next to German citizens. Though most of the people on the street are not very sociable (we'll get there later), on a plane, they're some of the warmest people you could ever meet. 

This is a photo I took today in one of Hannover's more historical districts. It was amazing to get out and see this remarkable city. There's a lot more to explore, but if today was any sign of what is in store, I am in for an awesome week!

Germany is much different than I thought it would be! It doesn't help that the windy streets, copious amounts of modern art and similar-looking buildings are a bit disorienting. It is wonderful though. The air always has the smell of something delicious, public spaces are incredibly clean, and it is incredibly pedestrian friendly. Though the Euro is more expensive, certain items - like the Kirschtorte that I bought for dessert tonight - are incredibly inexpensive!

Things I saw today:
1. Hauptbanhof Hannover (the Hannover Train Station)
2. Aegidien Kirche (a churched, bombed in WWII that stands as an empty shell in downtown Hannover)
3. The Oldest Fackwerkhaus (Half-timbered/Tudor-style) house in Hannover
4. Die Nanas (controversial modern art sculptures positioned by the Leine River)
5. Das Operhaus der Staatsoper Hannover (The Hannover Opera House)
6. Das Alte Rathaus (The Old Town Hall)
7. My First German Supermarket
8. My First German Drugstore
and MUCH more that I just can't remember right now!!!

Things I have learned about Germans as a culture thus far (not applicable to everyone):
1. Many of them don't smile at strangers or even acknowledge their presence on the street ever. When I did this, many people acted as if I were crazy, giving me weird glances and odd faces in response.
2. Generally-speaking, they eat a lot of "mystery meat"- by American standards - that actually tastes DELICIOUS. (Frühstücksfleisch, Fleischsalat, usw. - Breakfast Meat, Meat Salad, etc.)
3. Bread in Germany is far superior to bread in America, and I think it's because they use such great ingredients, and insist on buying it fresh.

I had such a wonderful time with Fabi and her family today. We had a great lunch of Brötchen mit Garnierungen (Bagel-esque Little Breads with Toppings), and a wonderful dinner of Eingebrannter Gouda Käse mit Toast und Wacholderbeeremarmelade (Baked Gouda Cheese with Toast and Juniper Berry Jam). After dinner, Fabi, Martina (Fabi's Mom) and I went out for drinks. I had a Caipirinha (a drink made out of Pitú - a type of Brazilian sugar cane liquer or Cachaça - sugar and limes), which was absolutely delicious. 

Upon our return, we had a delicious Kirschtorte (Cherry Torte) waiting for us (one which had custard and fresh cherries baked on top - lecker)! It was an awesome first day in Germany! Sorry if this post is a bit disjointed. It is after 2am here, and I'm exhausted and in desperate need of sleep!

Bis Bald!
"Til Soon!"

16 September 2010

Leaving Today!

Today is the day I leave and, thusly, the first day that I am writing on this blog. In thinking of what I was going to write as my inaugural post, I realized just how challenging that would be. My hope was to write something that wasn’t cliché, but that seems less and less of a possibility as I think more about it. Several things have become apparent to me in the past couple weeks:

1. I am embarking on a life-changing journey, and I am not taking that for granted. Hopefully by the end of my trip, I will be fluent in German, in possession of a new outlook on life, and much more knowledgeable on the subject of German culture. I will have accomplished many things that I have dreamed of doing, and seen many sights that I have always told myself I would have to see someday.

2. While I have told myself all summer that I will not be missing much from home, this is not wholly true. I will miss birthdays, holidays at home (Thanksgiving all-together), concerts, trips, etc., but I will be experiencing many amazing things in their place. My only hope is that when I come back in eleven short months, I will be able to seamlessly integrate back into my old life as the new me, even though I have missed all of these big events.

3. While I am going to be missing some things, I will also be experiencing many interesting and exciting things on my own: establishing a German bank account, taking classes in German, using trains as a regular mode of transportation, and much more. It is these things, primarily, that I hope to share with you in this blog.

While I cannot possibly begin to offer you the same experience as being there with me, I hope that by using this site, I will be helping you to stay connected with me while I am abroad (if that is what you want). I am so honored that those of you who have taken the time to read this are even interested enough to do so.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me in making this adventure a possibility!

Auf Wiedersehen!
“Til We Meet Again!”