16 September 2010

Leaving Today!

Today is the day I leave and, thusly, the first day that I am writing on this blog. In thinking of what I was going to write as my inaugural post, I realized just how challenging that would be. My hope was to write something that wasn’t cliché, but that seems less and less of a possibility as I think more about it. Several things have become apparent to me in the past couple weeks:

1. I am embarking on a life-changing journey, and I am not taking that for granted. Hopefully by the end of my trip, I will be fluent in German, in possession of a new outlook on life, and much more knowledgeable on the subject of German culture. I will have accomplished many things that I have dreamed of doing, and seen many sights that I have always told myself I would have to see someday.

2. While I have told myself all summer that I will not be missing much from home, this is not wholly true. I will miss birthdays, holidays at home (Thanksgiving all-together), concerts, trips, etc., but I will be experiencing many amazing things in their place. My only hope is that when I come back in eleven short months, I will be able to seamlessly integrate back into my old life as the new me, even though I have missed all of these big events.

3. While I am going to be missing some things, I will also be experiencing many interesting and exciting things on my own: establishing a German bank account, taking classes in German, using trains as a regular mode of transportation, and much more. It is these things, primarily, that I hope to share with you in this blog.

While I cannot possibly begin to offer you the same experience as being there with me, I hope that by using this site, I will be helping you to stay connected with me while I am abroad (if that is what you want). I am so honored that those of you who have taken the time to read this are even interested enough to do so.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me in making this adventure a possibility!

Auf Wiedersehen!
“Til We Meet Again!”


  1. Tú echarás de menos a yo y Jen!!!! Espero que llegues bien a Alemania! Adiós amigo! Te diviertas!

  2. Hey!
    Ich hoffe du hast ganz viel Spaß in Osnabrück, ich beneide dich ein bisschen, weil du mit meinen Leuten abhängen wirst und ich sie für ein halbes Jahr (oder ein Jahr) nicht mehr bei mir hab... Genieße es und nutze jede Minute aus!!!
